Monday, November 13, 2006


Compiled from the research papers of Mrs. Hartmann's sixth grade class, January 1997

In a country named Egypt They believed that there was an after death, so They started mummifying people in the late 1600s.1

The liver, stomach, and intestines were removed by making an incision on the left side of the body. Sometimes the heart was in the body when they died.2

The body was then ready to be raped

Egypt: An Ancient Country (a retro-post)

Compiled from the research papers of Mrs. Hartmann's sixth grade class, January 1997

In a country named Egypt They believed that there was an after death, so They started mummifying people in the late 1600s.1

The liver, stomach, and intestines were removed by making an incision on the left side of the body. Sometimes the heart was in the body when they died.2

The body was then ready to be raped